Saturday, November 1, 2008

No More Bullets

American servicemen fighting in 308 Manufacturer Ammo and Afghanistan are firing more than 1 billion bullets a year. Thats a lot of bullets. US forces have fired an estimated 250,000 bullets for every insurgent killed. No word on how Custom Brass Cases Military Specifications bullets it takes to kill an innocent Iraqi. I guess basic training was a little too basic. They forgot to teach how to aim.

Whatever the reasons, we now have an ammunition shortage in police departments nationwide. Law enforcement officials are now considering alternative training weapons - such as paint ball guns. Maybe they should also consider blowguns, harpoons and crossbows.

Police departments are trying to cope with year-long delays for handgun and rifle ammunition. When available, prices are double what they were just a year ago.

Another factor contributing to the shortage is an increased demand for copper and lead from China. Yes, something else we can blame China for - along with contaminated seafood, pet food, toothpaste, toys, and so on.

I wonder why the controlled press hasnt investigated and exposed the manufactured pet food scare. The so-called poisoned additive was absolutely harmless. The real story had to do with irate Latinos, legal and otherwise, contaminating fast foods with Ecoli. Why didnt we read about that one?

Instead of blaming China for everything, perhaps we should assign just a little blame to avaricious US corporations abandoning American workers to relocate offshore, to reduce labor costs and convert those costs into million dollar management bonuses - without a 308 Manufacturer Ammo of those windfall profits ever being returned to American consumers. Loyalty is a one way street.

Blaming China for everything has become a popular pastime. One of these days, however, the patient Chinese are going to say enough is enough. With the stroke of a pen they could destroy our economy Combat12804 Maybe the dimwits running and ruining our country should take note. We could all be in for a very painful, needed lesson.

Getting back to the ammo shortage, orders placed a year ago have yet to arrive. Police are unable to qualify with their assigned weapons. Using paint balls during training courses has become a serious consideration in many departments across the country.

Alliant Techsystems which Ammunition14179 a government plant near Independence, MO has provided the military with most of its small arms ammunition. They produced almost one and a half billion rounds in 2006.

General Dynamics Corp. in Falls Church, VA produces much of the military's small arms ammo. It also ships some 250,000 rounds a day to 3,000 police departments across the country.

Since American companies cant keep up with the demand for ammo, we have had to import ammunition from Israel. The Israelis, of course, are only too happy to sell back to us the bullets we gave them. Maybe if were real nice and hurry up with that additional $30 Billion aid package handout, they might give us a wholesale price.

We used to manufacture everything. Planes. Tanks. Aircraft carriers. Every weapon needed for every war. Now the largest economy in the world cant manufacture enough bullets. Now we manufacture nothing. We have to depend on places like Israel and Taiwan to keep us supplied.

Maybe - just maybe - it might have something to do with the fact that weve lost over 3 million jobs due to outsourcing since Bush took office. Thanks, George. Your job creation plan worked like a charm. You can be proud of all the wonderful jobs you created. Temporary jobs. Part time jobs. Service jobs. Low wage and no benefit jobs.

Its too bad you didnt create a few Ammunition manufacturer jobs. We might have had enough bullets to fight all your illegal wars.

Guess you were too busy creating another $3 Trillion in debt in the past 6 years. The national debt is now $8.4 Trillion dollars, with a trade deficit of $800 Billion. We have to borrow $2.5 Billion a day just to stay afloat. Thanks again, George, for creating an unbearable burden for generations of Americans to come.

As for the lack of bullets, theres a very simple solution. Stop the wars! Bring home our servicemen and women - whats left of them - from Iraq and Afghanistan. Well have more than enough bullets for every police department in the country.

But I guess thats just a little too logical to contemplate. And I almost forgot. Our own government has joined the outsourcing exodus. You cant stop the wars without permission from Tel Aviv.

Otto King is a freelance writer, humorist and philosopher. His website 1984 News offers Real News from alternative and global sources, and chronicles our transformation into the totalitarian world of Orwell's 1984.

Fix and Flip Goldmine Resources For Big-Ticket Buys

Fix and Flip Projects have many options when it comes to getting good looking products Shooting and Reloading Supplies a fraction of the price offered by other similar stores. Creativity is key and it doesn’t hurt to be a little cheap. Don’t go all out cheap and buy junk but look look look for the best bargain. Everywhere you shop whether at the hardware store, a Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo little bargain outlet store or even online. Always be on the lookout for great value. Your time is money literally. Once you do the research the profit will follow. Bargain hunters get paid to shop, just look at some of the amazing deals mentioned below.

The grocery store business offers a great example. Some stores are willing to advertise a loss leader (super low prices only on selected items) just to get you in their doors. They figure once you are there you will buy all of the other items you need that Winchester USA Ammo get a good return on. Can’t fault them for their capitalism…this is America. But if you have the time and want to get the most bang for your buck Discount Ammo and rifle ammunition the special deals at each store and only buy those items from that particular store…I would not take the time and effort in groceries because that research is not the highest and best use of my time but you bet your bottom dollar I will take the time to do it for my materials required for a project.

Look at this example for instance.

A local tile company in town offers very cool 99 c tile and is good quality to boot…it’s always in stock and always available. They deliver for free because they know me and they are good about returns also. Broken tile is a significant factor when purchasing tile and they have replaced every time. Stock items are great because you can always add on later with the same type and return overages when necessary.

Now, while this tile store sells carpet as well, they can’t touch the Home Depot price for carpet (the cut pile berber with a fleck I used to use. I no longer use this carpet because it is an unnecessary expense. I can easily use a good regular carpet without the fleck and save over $5.00 per sq. yard. One project I paid only 50c per square foot for a descent berber carpet. Contractors warehouse is a great resource in CA for this large expense.

This could amount to hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars on a larger home.

Be smart with your material purchases…do the homework and take your list. Make notes to yourself so you don’t have to redo the whole process on the next deal.

Once you get your standards down and know what works for you then it’s easier to buy in bulk and negotiate discounts. STOP! Did you hear that investor friend? Buy in bulk and give yourself the power to negotiate discounts. This works with small, large, even the big box stores once you get to know the manager or owner. You never know until you ask, so ask away.

In fact, I have yet to use it but in this vein, there are companies that will offer investors discounts on materials and other big ticket items because of the continued sales potential. One is Direct Buy. Heavy initial member fee but I hear great discounts.

In any case shop it and do your homework…this is one of the areas that you have huge savings potential.

Lets look at some details

Appliances: I have a commercial account with a local supplier of appliances and because of my discount I was able to get a stainless dishwasher, microwave and range all for 1200.00 plus delivery. I don’t include the delivery because I would have to pay that anywhere.

Even with delivery comes in under 1500.00 and all in stainless steel. Took a little preliminary legwork on my part to get quotes and set up account but that was a one time deal. Now I just call in what I want and they send me a quote. I am standardized on items and no more time consuming trips to hunt.

Lights: lowes often has awesome sales on their lighting fixtures. In fact they regularly offer a contractor’s special 308 Manufacturer Ammo pack of standard surface mounted brushed nickel finish lights that amounts to about 10 bucks a light…Best deal I’ve Military Combat Loads on this type of light. The other stores only offer shiny gold in bulk.

Bathroom lighting was a little trickier. At the big box stores I found only expensive options…lights over 50-70 dollars each which will add up when you are working with multiple bathrooms.

However, you will on occasion come across these same swanky type 3 bar lights in again brushed nickel at Costco for only 15.ea. What a bargain. Only downside is they are not offered year-round so when you come across grab more than you need if you know you will be doing future projects.

Chandeliers: again Lowes has the absolute best deal I’ve found. A very nice, elegant but simple candlelike chandelier that comes with optional covers but looks loveley on its own. Last time I bought for 79.00 but found an even better priced chandelier on sale again very lovely but different style for only 40 dollars. How can you beat 40 bucks?

This took hours of research driving to and from one store after another as well as frequenting specialty lighting stores and researching online sources…this is the best I’ve found but if you have other options would love to hear from you.

Another great resource for lights is Contractors Warehouse. I found a fantastic large entry light that would run hundreds of dollars in a big box store for only $39.00. I love a great deal.

Cabinets: I have some awesome options when it comes to cabinets and countertops.

Too much to go into here but will reveal in a future release in order to give the topic the attention it deserves.

These are just some of the many different things I have found in my hours of 6.8 ammunition and brass cases for the best quality for the best price on my fix and flip projects.

Michelle Rene Garcia is the Founder of, an investment training company that provides monthly resources for real estate investors looking to protect their wealth and make wise investment decisions to build their fortune. Please visit Michelle at